Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OK, it's over, I was wrong, now what?

by jwright

First, my 2-cents worth of predicting an upset victory for Senator John McCain went down the toilet like many others dreams on Election night.
Second, sincere congratulations are in order to president-elect Barack Obama, I truly wish him luck.
A close friend from California, knowing that I was not voting for Barack Obama emailed me Wednesday, “How are you dealing with it?”
I replied that I had dealt with it on Election night while watching the TV screen and acknowledging that in my heart I knew McCain was really a loser, and with that, I turned off the TV and enjoyed a decent nights rest.
Two things came to mind in answering my friend: McCain picked a future winner with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, regardless of whatever one will hear from the McCain camp about her inexperience (a lot of it possibly coming from some Romney-ites who worked for McCain after the primaries. Are they worried about 2012 already?)
Second, McCain really exonerated former Senator Robert Dole (as I posted earleir) in running the worst presidential campaign in Republican Party history. However, that's what the media expected; what they wanted, and in my opinion, this is the first time the media picked both candidates and controlled who the next president would be.
Now, I actually feel sorry for president-elect Obama. I don't think he's experienced enough for the office and it will be sad watching him attempt to grow into it.
Picking ex-Clinton White House operative Rahm Emmanuel as his Chief of Staff (if he does) would show me that Obama, may NOT be about “Change” at all. Emmanuel is a rabid, hardheaded, North Chicago partisan who is not interested in "crossing the aisle" to serve the best interests of the country. He is more about the party. Emmanuel said in a recent interview, “Republicans can go fuck themselves”.
Unless Emmanuel has suddenly changed his stripes, he intends to run the Republican Party out of business. That’s hardly “reaching across the aisle.” Is this the “Change That We Can Believe In? “ I pray not.

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