by jwright
Following the Inauguration, some of us in the political discussion group I mentioned earlier were discussing how President Obama might become a role model for the black inner city youngsters and maybe even their parents. The following is an email exchange between several of us.
Jim: I just heard another one of those Obama supporters who expects to be rich due to the fact that Obama is President! She stated, “We aren’t rich like you folks but will be one day because we have Barack Obama as President.”
Now isn’t that special? Do you believe how dumb and naïve some people are? Can you imagine how suicidal this person is going to be when Obama fails to deliver on that expectation? What is wrong with people today with that cult mentality and their expectations for a handout that will make them rich? Was this country built on that mentality?
Alan: Absolutely not. In fact, I think it will get worse. I believe that many out there will have the attitude that they will be given a free pass because "one of theirs is in charge."
I believe that they will test the system more, expect more and, when they don't get it, will revolt.
Jaq: Well, they certainly have former Secretary of Labor (under Clinton) Robert Reich on their side. He's all for taking a portion of the "Stimulus infrastructure dollars" and handing it out to anyone but white male, skilled construction workers, contractors, etc. (Michelle Malkin » Robert Reich: Keep stimulus money away from skilled workers and “white male contractors” ).
There, boys and girls, is the beginning of a broadening welfare program to redistribute our future tax dollars (and those of our kids and their kids as far as the eye can see.) How much infrastructure will be improved while handing out billions to the disadvantaged?
At some point, more than 50% of the damn population will either be federal employees and po' folks on federal welfare of some description. Then we'll be well on our way to a one party system. Democrats forever! Mercy... the thought of it is sickening.
Alan: Hopefully I will be living nearly full time in Thailand by the time things get that bad. My kids are the ones that I worry about. My son will no doubt head back to Asia as soon as he graduates. Either Japan or China.
My oldest daughter is pretty much settled with a very good job as a senior project director for a major construction company.
My youngest daughter is in her second year of Architecture and Design and has no problems moving back to Japan for her graduate degree in Architecture as she has an affinity towards Asian design.
Things don't look so good for the social structure of America. Once they removed God from our public lives, the rest went downhill fast. Liberalism is a disease whose only cure is getting what they actually want. But then it is too late. Therefore, liberalism is a terminal disease killing everything it touches.
Jaq: Alan, you are fortunate to be in such a position. What per cent of the country could be as fortunate, .0001%?
That leaves a lot of us, particularly the ones that DIDN'T vote for Obama, Pelosi, Reid & Company holding the bag.
Myself, I may be close to being as fortunate as you considering my tender age... :) hell, I may die before the liberal/socialist bullshit gets too deep. Even Hell might begin to look good as opposed to what this nation could turn into.
Good luck, my friend.
Alan: I truly am blessed, Jack. In the great scheme of things, we all are. It was only the good fortune of being born in American while each of us had a chance that put is in the position we are today. Each of us here on this thread have worked hard all of our loves and made no excuses for the failures we have had along the way or the misfortunes that have been subject to. We took the good with the bad and just kept on going knowing that our generation will succeed and that our children's generation will do even better than we did.
We grew up in an America with a God, with a balanced political scene, with the American dream a reality for all. We saw Europe become socialized and watched it decay into a mere shadow of what it used to be. We looked at America and believed that we would never, never fall into that despair that fell on Europe. At least we felt that way until Vietnam began dividing our nation.
The leftist surge was sponsored by the communists and was all too eagerly signed on by the media with the likes of Walter Cronkite. They started by beating up Nixon and forcing his resignation. This gave them momentum and power. They next brought in an idiot of a peanut farmer to set the standards of a weak, meek and pacifist America.
As the young left wingers grew up, they became the destructive force behind emasculating and changing America. They became and are the media, the Hollywood elite, the jet sum and flotsam of the hippy leftist generation whose first task was to eliminate God from our public lives. They are the liberal elitists who are nothing more than mini Czarists themselves.
They set forth an agenda of weakening America, setting one segment of the population against the other, turning right into wrong, removing censorship, promoting free and open sex and considering perverted relationships as normal.
How far has this country gone in so few years? Most of the nation still prefers a Ronald Reagan to a Barack Obama, but the powerful left has fully and totally undermined our nation by belittling our presidents, reducing the standards of education, scandalizing our sacred institutions of marriage and religion, minimizing the reality of the threats against us by our enemies, kneeling before those that want to destroy us and bringing our social structure to its knees.
They have produced a divide and conquer mentality amongst Americans inciting class warfare, pushing gay agendas, caring more for the environment than f or the humans that inhabit it, making us dependent upon foreign resources as well as foreign workers, allowing unions to dictate their own terms of employment thereby shutting down American businesses and weakening our positions in the world.
I am fed up with these ingrates. These hypocritical asswipes who have no concept of the consequences of their actions. They don't deserve America but are more than willing to enjoy its spoils.
Lynn: Good grief, Alan, you sound almost like one of those gun clinging, right wing, Bible fundamentalists. :) I've asked a lot of people what do they think has caused our country's downward slide into being a few steps from a Sodom or Gomorrah. Most all start off with the removal of God from public life and national consciousness.
Of course, I think the same but then I'm one of those gun clinging, right wing, Bible fundamentalists. lol It appears to me that when there is an acknowledgment and respect in something greater than yourself be it God as I know Him or a simple acknowledgment of a Higher Power, that respect flows over into one's daily life.
By no means do I think a believing people are near perfect, but the majority of people seem to have an internal guidance system to be a little more honest, a little more courteous, a little more respectful of others, and a little more responsible.
There is a hope, enthusiasm, and an expectation for tomorrow. I'm not deluded that we'd have a Utopia or had a Utopia but this country is consumed by greed, reeks of dishonesty, and an air of gloom and victimhood permeates the atmosphere.
Our political leaders look out for themselves and are consumed with securing more money, more prestige, more power, and insuring their reelection. There is no love or loyalty for this country, only what they personally can obtain. I am thankful that I lived at our zenith and deeply sadden and distressed as it slowly dissolves.
Alan: You are spot on, Lynn. It has nothing to do with religion or being a religious zealot. It has to do with the acknowledgment that there is someone greater than us. Someone who the founding fathers based the birth of our nation upon.
If we look at the alternative, we wind up with Soviet dominated communism. We also see the void that China went through during the Maoist revolutions. Remove God from the people and they only have the government to look up to as their Godhead.
The liberals in this country are doing just that. Even Russian and China knew, as witnessed by freedom of religion in China now and same in Russia and the old Soviet states, that you can't control the people for long. Something the liberals will never get.
Liberalism has not learned nor is willing to learn. You can't strip God from our lives, remove him from schools, remove him from courthouses and government establishment. It appears to be the bond that allows us the greatness and the freedom needed for the well being of our nation.
Liberals substituded humanism. They cloak their agenda under the banner of PC. The desire not to ever hurt someone's feelings, even if it decays the inner fabric of America and undermines the will of the vast majority of Americans. Heading up this liberal cause is the ACLU, better know as the new American Communist Party.
It is a sad day when the people of America are too timid to take back from this left wing minority what is theirs. Their rights to express their beliefs in schools, government oaths, civic auditoriums and public functions.
Jim: I couldn’t agree with you more, great post. You and I have so many similarities and I really can relate to your post. I have said on this thread how happy I am with my life. I have a wonderful family and we are close so I must have done something right growing up.
I cannot help but notice how unhappy many liberals are and it seems they want to spread their misery equally to everyone else. I will never forget growing up in a relatively poor family and being taught that I could do anything that I wanted to do but that there are consequences for choices made. Over the years I made many mistakes but never booted God out of my life or my family’s life.
I started out as a Democrat and the first President I supported was JFK however wasn’t old enough to vote at the time. I remember the Communist years and how we were told that Communism will bury us. At the time I thought that meant militarily but grew to learn that they would destroy us from within and without a shot being fired. I see that happening today as God is being removed from our lives and there is a moral decay today sweeping this country led by the secular progressives whose live for today ideology ignores personal responsibility. I have yet to hear any liberal blame themselves for personal problems they created.
I believed strongly in the American dream and knew that I could achieve that dream with hard work, dedication, and the right mental attitude. I never relied on any President to take care of me and to make my life better although I knew that a President could hurt us by raising taxes and by failure to keep us safe. Those therefore remained the two most important issues for me in any election.
Today I see the hero worship, cult mentality of so many. “Save me, Mr. President, from mistakes I have made”, “I will never have to pay my mortgage or for gasoline again” seem to be the cry of far too many. The swooning, fainting, stars in the eyes, and unrealistic expectations of one individual simply doesn’t’ make any sense to me. This attitude wasn’t prevalent when I was growing up so what happened to us?
Could it be the removal of God from so many lives? I believe that is part of the problem along with the instant gratification crowd that lives for today instead of planning for tomorrow. In today’s world everyone lets the things they want get in the way of actually getting the things they need. This entitlement mentality where everyone deserves a home, everyone deserves health care, everyone deserves a living wage ignores the fact that all these are EARNED not guaranteed. The economic and history ignorance of so many is staggering. I see it all the time here on this thread but more importantly in real reported in the media.
I will continue to keep things in the proper perspective and focus on that which I can control. I will remain proactive instead of being reactive and will never lose my positive attitude and will refuse to participate in the liberal negative rhetoric and creation of victims. That is why I always appreciate your posts.
Jocelyn: What's scary is her scenario could come true. That ($350-billion) stimulus package that Obama is putting forward is earmarked especially for those people. You heard what Robert Reich had to say, didn't you? Granted, he's just an advisor but lets be clear, he is an advisor for a reason.
When he says that the Administration has to find a way to cut out skilled individuals and that includes construction workers and focus on the chronically unemployed or unemployable to receive stimulus cash ($350-billion) in rebuilding our infrastructure, that should be taken to mean something like a promise. The Administration will pave that way forward. Obama campaigned on redistribution of wealth and anyone who thinks he's suddenly going to become a centrist is fooling themselves.
These people aren't as dumb as we are for thinking that her scenario of becoming "rich" by her standards because her President is in office won't happen.
This President cannot succeed. Now it's we who have to find a way to make that happen because our (Republican) leadership such as it is, is too busy holding their ankles.
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