by j wright - August 3, 2009
A friend of a different political persuasion questioned what is in my drinking water that causes me to post here? Similarly I’d ask what’s in the water of many of our elected officials in Washington when they utter some of the things they do?
President Obama began it with his statement that although he didn’t have the facts about an arrest made in Cambridge MA went on to assert, “The police acted stupidly.” This was at the end of a press conference covering his health care reform proposals.
On that topic, Senate Majority Harry Reid, D-NV, blamed the media for “making up” the August 1st health legislation deadline. That flying in the face of several video clips showing Obama, Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, pushing incessantly for a pre-recess deadline.
Pelosi later publically accused our health insurance providers of being the “villains” in this process.
Later, Representative Charlie Rangell, D-NY described our current health care system as “terrible.” Terrible? I’m well satisfied with mine, and other than the annual cost increases of Medicare, my insurance premiums have not increased since 2001.
Fellow Michigander John Conyers, Democrat, House Chairman, Committee of the Judiciary, questioned why lawmakers should bother to read 1,000+ page bills before passing them because it would take two days and two lawyers to explain it. Unbelievable!
Then Democrat Barney Frank of Massachusetts, House Financial Services Chairman was caught on video saying the “public option” that Obama wants to include is the best way to achieve single payer coverage (such as Canada and the UK have). That would ultimately result in the rationing or outright refusal of some aspects of medical care, especially for senior citizens.
This contentious, omnibus health care plan is being hashed over in several proposed bills; none of which the national polls find appealing to the informed voters. None of which many Republicans are involved in in or supporting. We need to reform our health system, perhaps starting with tort reform in order to get law suits agaionst doctors and hospitals uinder control BUT that would hinder the trial lawyers ability to make tons of money, AND the trial lawyers are one big fat special interest that supports the Democrat Party.
Another move would be to allow insurance cmpanies to sell their services across state lines, increasng competition and lowering costrs to the nsured. Why this isn't in effect already is a mystery to me.
Bundesverfassungsgericht billigt Tübinger Verpackungssteuer
12 minutes ago
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